This is the classic Tinder Problem, right?
On Tinder, even if women were on average just 1% choosier than men, men would slightly lower their bar to get the number of matches they wanted, which means women would become more selective to compensate, and so on until men are using the app like it's Cookie Clicker and women know any right swipe will be a match and act accordingly.
Same with jobs: if employers are getting fifteen applicants for every job, they're going to be selective, and then applicants have to apply to more places which makes the problem worse until yeah, obviously someone was going to write the Filter Out A Bunch Of CVs And Don't Worry Too Much About Which Ones-Otron 9000 and someone else was going to write Apply For Literally Everything Bot.
No idea what to do, though — we probably can't just say "I guess that's how it works now" and invent Jobs Bumble. Really the solution is for employers to care about who they're hiring — it won't affect the workers:jobs ratio, but if workers weren't getting sick of their bullshit and looking for new roles every eighteen months there'd be a lot less applications to go through.