@br00t4c It's a good summary of the fundamental problems... thanks! Two things... 1) it's LOL that a mandate for low risk insureds to join the risk pool is proposed as a solution. It's exact same idea proposed for Obamacare that was vigorously opposed by the #GOP and eventually struck out of the #ACA by the #SCOTUS. And 2) no mention is made of a managed retreat solution whereby an insured is offered relocation to a lower risk location as a payout vs rebuilding in the same high risk spot. A three strikes you're out approach is a way it could be implemented with an e.g. 50% payout for the 3rd strike and total loss of coverage for anything after that. In addition, the resale of a third strike property should be either prohibited or have a hefty penalty attached that would go into a pool to finance relocation remedies...