Imagine you’re in a casino. Someone walks up to the roulette table, puts $1000 on 14. They win! They now have $50,000. Now they move to another table, and put $500 on red. They lost, so they put $1,000 on red. They lose again. They put $2,000 on red. They win! Now they have $50,500! They’re such a winner!
You didn’t see that they put $1,000 on 14 every day for the past twenty days. They only won because they are able to afford to lose $20,000. They’re actually only $30,500 up, but that’s still a big win. You also didn’t see the ten other people who tried the same strategy, but never landed on a table that came up with their number.
This is the kind of person that Silicon Valley idolises.