My book ActivityPub: Programming for the Social Web is on its way to the virtual printers tomorrow, which means it will be available for purchase from all your favourite e-book stores at various points during next week. I will be taking this opportunity to have an online reading and book-signing party. The event is on September 30, 2024 at 9PM ET. You can follow this meeting link to join.
I’ll do a reading from parts of the book (the parts that are very accessible to everyone, not the code samples!) and a Q&A. I’ll also be doing a book signing for people who have already bought the book (or who buy it during the event). How do I sign an ebook? Simple: you show me proof that you bought the book, and I’ll post a note on the fediverse with whatever text you want and tag you in. It’s an instant collectible.
I’m looking forward to having more people read the book, and I really hope it helps more people write programs for the social web. Please feel free to join!