Saw a headline that said "Democrats frustrated with poll showing voters see Trump as more moderate" and there's a reason I gave up on analysis in US politics a long time ago.
We're just throwing words about at this stage, huh.
I mean, when they started up with the "[Recipient of a nepotistic luxury real estate dynasty who spends his time hobnobbing with other powerful people] is the anti establishment candidate" back in 2016, I was like "Yeah. Time to put up the chairs and wrap this one up, I reckon. Analysis shop officially closed. Satire's dead and gone too."
And then when he got elected, in the wake of US press all "We have to hear out the fascists" going to "Now we have to respect him cause he's the president now" and finally, much later "Oshit this is going real bad" I'm sittin there like umm what exactly were you expecting?
And I got a lot of shit for it when Trump got elected from liberal types. "How dare you not take the threat that he is seriously"
Baby, I was spendin most of that time wondering if we were all gonna get nuked or not. Fucker kept talkin about it and was diplomatic poison. Turns out mutual assured destruction is everybody's problem and most of us got no say in it.
And what would you like me to do? I don't exactly have a vast standing army to go fight the world's most expensive military in my jacket pocket here, do I? Nor does anybody else.
And all the arguments were the same.
This'll be the 9th US president I've lived thru now. There's like 2 Bushes in there. I mean, 2 of em. One was bad enough, and that was after a Reagan. Fuck me. The Reagan era. That shit was grim. And even then. Not the only grim era. But grim enough. Add Thatcher and Brezhnev in the mix and (shudders) how are we even still here?
And I never thought the Dems were worth a damn "Here comes smiley imperialism!"
But in fields of terrible candidates, tens of millions of assholes point to the worst one and go "There's my representative!"
And then the blame. Remember when Al Gore got ripped off by Bush II and all these ppl went "This must be the fault of 3rd parties"
Like, Dubya stole an election (not that I like Al Gore either, and definitely not his record banning wife - but as always, I hate the GOP candidate more), and all I heard was "this must be the fault of Ralph Nader"
Nader: "The fuck did I do? I'm just sittin here gettin virtually no votes, dude"
But Trump was the first one I remember since Reagan to make me go "Well, we might not actually survive this one if he kicks off WWIII"
Got messy enough tho, didn't it? Twitter pissfights with Kim, leading to carrier groups sent right up to DPRK's doorstep, nuclear escalation. Doing out loud the mafia protection racket routine with US 'allies' that let's face it, the others just did more quietly. Shicanning the INF treaty, nearly shitcanning NEWStart treaty (it's in the toilet now anyway)
Analysis? Might as well have central heating in hell for all that's worth.