We’ve blown right past “switching from boy to girl” and even over-shot “non-binary is Trans by default” and the kids today are even past that language Trans folk use.
They are so over it. Gender fluidity is so fucking normalized that older Trans people like me don’t even understand the kids anymore.
That’s so magical I’m crying as I write this.
David Sedaris might complain about that because he’s a grumpy-ass boomer who wants to hold onto his trauma as a sales pitch as if his white male ass had it worse than everyone else but this Black Trans bitch knows that when children treat “queer” as if anyone can be it that means IT IS FUCKING SAFE FOR ANYONE TO BE IT!
And the Black Trans women who threw the first bricks didn’t do it so the old white assholes could hold on to the terminology as if it was theirs, alone, David.