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<blockquote style="position: relative; padding-left: 55px;"><section><a href="https://masto.ai/users/stavvers/statuses/113016580758253632">Another Angry Woman (stavvers@masto.ai)'s status on Sunday, 08-Sep-2024 10:29:01 JST</a><a href="https://masto.ai/@stavvers" title="stavvers@masto.ai"><img src="https://gnusocial.jp/avatar/41495-48-20221127202416.webp" width="48" height="48" alt="Another Angry Woman" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">Another Angry Woman</a><div><a href="https://masto.ai/@stavvers/113016567873186560" rel="in-reply-to">in reply to</a></div></section><article><p>good advice, probably</p></article><footer><a rel="bookmark" href="https://gnusocial.jp/conversation/2676979#notice-7119357">In conversation</a><time datetime="2024-09-08T10:29:01+09:00" title="Sunday, 08-Sep-2024 10:29:01 JST">about 6 months ago</time> <span>from <span><a href="https://gnusocial.jp/notice/7119357" rel="external" title="Sent from gnusocial.jp via ActivityPub">gnusocial.jp</a></span></span><a href="https://gnusocial.jp/notice/7119357">permalink</a><h4>Attachments</h4><ol><li><label><a rel="external" href="https://gnusocial.jp/attachment/3137942">theorangepdf: the epidemic of grown adults playing tiktoks at full volume in public is rampant why are you acting like a 7 year old with their first ipad you have a mortgage castiel for king: one guy was facetiming his sister, she was in Texas for work and I know this because they were yell-talking at each other. This went on for a few minutes so I got up, walked over and sat down in the chair next to him an asked if she was staying hygrated as I heard Texas can get really hot in the summer and that it looked like she has a bit of a sun burn. The two of them were flabergasted. And the guy said "what are you doing???"So I was like. "....well you included me in this call and I'm just worried about your sister."He goes "Im having a PRIVATE conversation!"</a></label><br><a href="https://s3.masto.ai/media_attachments/files/113/016/573/789/422/179/original/a83b60e89a677f31.jpg" rel="external">https://s3.masto.ai/media_attachments/files/113/016/573/789/422/179/original/a83b60e89a677f31.jpg</a></li><li><label><a rel="external" href="https://gnusocial.jp/attachment/3137943">So I goes "If it was private then how the hell do i know youre talking to your sister who is in texas on a business trip?"Ultimately im not sure he really got the point but he lowered the volume because now he's worried about creeps like me listening to his conversations but at least he's behaving now even if he doesnt understand whycaught tumbling: I literally did this to someone. She was listening to very very descriptive erotica on the beach at max volume. So I walked over, sat down next to her, and asked her to catch me up on the plot I'd missed. When she asked what the hell I was doing I said "oh I thought this was like a book club thing? Since you're playing it at full volume on a crowded beach?" She suddenly remembered she did in fact bring headphones and was willing to use them. She kept looking at me like I was a lunatic for the rest of the time she was there but it was probably the funniest thing I'd ever done</a></label><br><a href="https://s3.masto.ai/media_attachments/files/113/016/574/039/535/273/original/ebba2e83f2a61b66.jpg" rel="external">https://s3.masto.ai/media_attachments/files/113/016/574/039/535/273/original/ebba2e83f2a61b66.jpg</a></li></ol></footer></blockquote>
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Another Angry Woman (stavvers@masto.ai)'s status on Sunday, 08-Sep-2024 10:29:01 JST
Another Angry Woman
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good advice, probably