@hakan_geijer Editing is a mindset; I used to enjoy editing over a coffee or a glass of something nice after a day out of shooting, but it's very much a "second stage", I started with film, so it was natural.
In terms of equipment, I had a very old second hand-DLSR, and gradually moved down to mirror-less, and then to point-and-shoots. Hauling around lenses and bodies became less and less attractive to me.
I'm currently rocking an LX-100 (second-hand) and the TZ-100 (new, at the time).
These two very easily cover all my needs, whilst sitting in a bag, and can be charged from a USB port. A little bit of dicking about, and I can perform edits on my phone, or wait until I get home to do more major stuff. I'd say we're well past the point of needing a bag full of lenses, unless we're doing something professional.
Second hand camera equipment isn't hard - there's a decent amount of "oh, shit they bought out the LX-200, I need that one instead!" types that you can pick up an LX-100 off for cheap (for example) - but, again, I'd always say, don't spend money on something unless you're bloody sure you'll use it!
if it's something you think you might want to get into, then try to - if you can - grab a cheap camera and work with it for a few months, then maybe expand from there.