Okay, so there's some old caselaw in Canada that says if satellite TV is available for sale you have to pay for it, but if it's some global station you couldn't buy in Canada they don't really care if you just watch it for free. I've been thinking about this in the context of companies selling our stuff to data brokers and AI companies.
Which is to say, a license for scraping my content for use in AI, marketing, machine learning, and other commercial activities is now available for $500 per word, where words are defined to include not only words within posts, but also those found in alt text and hashtags as well as profile data. Pictures, being worth one thousand words, are thus priced at $500k per image. If you continue to scrape any of my content or use previously scraped content after today, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions. Please contact me if you need special bulk rates.