Neoliberalism explained:
Just in case anyone thinks it is some innocuous concept (just "trickle down economics" whatever that means):
Neoliberalism is an idea planted by economists in Austria before the last World War. Basically it was a libertarian ideology that said that we got what we deserved.
Poor people deserved their poverty because, you know, the poor will be always with us, they were intrinsically worthless; wealthy people were worthy because they were wealthy.
American plutocrats, oligarchs, ran with this idea because it justified their greed which had previously been viewed as a moral failure, now Gordon Gekko could proudly proclaim that "Greed was good".
Neoliberalism grew quietly in the background (although implanted in Australia in the Institute of Public Affairs in 1943, still during the anti-fascist war no less), until it came to be insinuated into public life, by none less than the people who represented themselves as the Peoples' Party.
In Oz, the Labor Party, Bob Hawke & Paul Keating; in the UK, the Labour Party, James Callaghan; in the US by Jimmy Carter, Democrat.
Each nation then had some fascist who ran with the idea, Howard in Oz, Thatcher in the UK, Reagan in the US, but it was introduced by the "Progressives"
Neoliberalism is Fascism