So today was Ride of the Year day...
Started at a decent hour, about 8:30 and weather was super clear and sunny.
Hadn't any particular body issues today, a bit of leg pain in the morning (stretching at first stop fixed it), and some neck/shoulder pain in the last part. Last 20/30km were very hurtful because i was energyless because of the hot.
I managed quite good water (drank about 8 liters of water) thanks to the free taps here and there (luckily).
Good management of food too, ate 3 energy bars every couple of hours and i didn't feel any hunger.
New aero bars are ok, need to get used a bit but helps a bit.
Track was nice, 157km and 1800m of positive ascends, 2 longer ascends (8km and 6km) in the middle were very hard...with about a total of 700m ..
No new best records today, but with 42°C in the afternoon probably it is the hottest ride ever for me...
Garmin also says i need 4 days to recover from it because i burnt like 4500kcal 😎
In the end i stopped at a bar to celebrate and refresh me.
The only things that pissed a bit me was that i didn't get the Century Badge from Garmin for just 3km (157km instead of 160km)...hadn't any energy left to complete the challenge anyway...
Stay tuned for next trip! Possibly i could do another long trip in this holidays, but nothing sure...Ride on! ☮
Now some photos!
#RotY #RotY24 #RideOfTheYear #cycling #bike #mtb #Garmin #gravel #orbea #alma #rideOn