An idea I have been wrestling with for a while: a mobile app which allows you to create screens and simple screen sequences where you can place any kind of arbitrary elements known to the host system. Images? No problem! Fake buttons with accessibility properties such as fake rotor actions? Here you are! I short: any kind of native control that the system can recognize created in a step-by-step fashion that everyone can familiarize themselves with. Things this could be useful for: 1. Creating fantasy apps - hey, why not call it just that?, or more professionally: mockups in which a screen reader user demonstrates the ideal scenario of how a given interface should read. 2. Copying interface concepts from apps you would like to demo where sensitive data is stored that you wouldn't like to be there for everyone to read. 3. Setting up maps of touch screen interfaces not accessible to the blind for the purpose of visualising them so that you can still support a sighted third-party in handling (think vending machines, ticket machines etc. where someone is lost but you can help them out by looking at your visualisation). 4. Any kind of visual concept really with things laid out in a structural way. Bonus points if the controls can do simple things like navigating to other views, fading the current view out but fade another one in etc. #iOSDev #App #Accessibility #A11y #Blind #Idea