It is OK to choose your antifascist work based on personal risk levels. There are many non-violent and reasonably safe ways to help the fight at a distance, and those are essential work too. The frontline would never hold without the support of those working on the down low.
But if you invite people to go help with a blockade, don't go to the scene without a mask or black bloc gear, only to panic when the Nazis film you, and then flee the scene with your whole affinity group, leaving the rest of the antifa at a significant numeric disadvantage.
I don't want anyone to put their bodies in more danger than they're willing to. It's one thing to find yourself in deeper waters that you expected, and have that survival instinct kick in; most of us have been there. But if you're calling people to go stop a planned attack from known violent Nazis... What did you expect that they would do? What did *you* expect to do?
Please be aware of the risk you put the rest of the crew in, if you call on people to fight together, then leave them behind suddenly and without discussion. Be aware of the role you're applying to fulfill. Be aware that "fighting Nazis" is not a metaphor. When your 20th century ancestors said that antifa heißt Angriff, they were not speaking in metaphors.