Carefully not mentioning OP here. 😄
@qole Explanation:
`foo(bar(), baz(1))`
is the style of commercially widely used languages like Python, JavaScript, Java, C++, C, etc.
`(foo (bar) (baz 1))` is the style of LISP-related languages like Clojure, Scheme, Racket or Common Lisp. They're less popular today, but saw great use in 1980s AI research, some web work in the 1990s, and in modern times Clojure has grown a loyal following in some commercial web development houses.
`1 baz bar foo` is reverse Polish notation, which is used in the various Forth languages, including previous Sun and Apple boot managers, in PostScript documents and in HP's programmable calculators.
The style of popular (within their niche) functional languages like OCaml and Haskell is not represented, and might look a number of ways, e.g. `foo bar $ baz 1`.