#Covid’s going nuts again. Time to bring my #Aranet4 indoor air quality posts back. I’m in Monterey to photograph 4th of July festivities. I’ve been in 2 restaurants today, both with CO2 readings of below 600.
This one is a small Japanese cafe that’s almost filled to capacity. With 24 people in this smallish space, the CO2 reading is 540. I was standing for 5 minutes deep in the restaurant when the reading was recorded.
Just one door and a commercial kitchen hood can refresh the air at an amazing pace. This place had 2 cross vented doors and a hood.
Most *casual* restaurants I’ve measured have far better air quality when semi-full than a typical office. If you choose a crowded house party over a restaurant during a Covid wave, you may be choosing the higher risk.
Most people will choose to take risks, including most people reading this. Learn to choose the less risky option.
For reference, the outdoor CO2 on this day reads at 450. 540 in a small crowded cafe is very good considering.