The Simple English Wikipedia is a Simple English language version of Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia, written in a language that is easy to understand but is still natural and grammatical.
The articles in the Simple English Wikipedia use shorter sentences and easier words and grammar than the regular English Wikipedia. This makes articles easier to understand and change.
When Simple English Wikipedia started making pages and allowing changes in 2003, the English Wikipedia already had 150,000 articles. Seven other Wikipedia in other languages also had over 15,000 articles. Because the other Wikipedias already have a lot of articles, most Simple English articles are not new. They are simpler versions of articles from the English Wikipedias. Right now, the Simple English Wikipedia has 253,516 articles. The Simple English Wikipedia started on September 18, 2001, and is the 43rd-largest Wikipedia, as of March 2024. It has 1,469,483 registered users, 1,409 active in the last month.
Common uses
The Simple English Wikipedia intended to be used by:
People who speak English...