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- Embed this noticeThe case of the kid who disappeared under mysterious circumstances in Corrientes province is connecting to cases in other provinces and has gone beyond organ trafficking:
It seems this is all related to other kids who were raped, tortured and dismembered in sacrifices to "San La Muerte" (Saint Death). It seems they also sacrifice dogs and there may be gruesome pictures of the aftermaths. There's also talk of Umbanda rituals (a religion from Brazil a Christian might call "Satanic").
Journalists have spent the last week trying to move past this but social pressure has forced them to keep covering it and it's getting bigger every day. It's not just the family of the kid who are involved, but also the police chief and other public employees from Corrientes. This may have been going on for years (decades?).
I was gonna say this is gaining so much traction that some of you might see it on your local news; but it involves people who are evil and want to diddle kids, so journalists will probably ignore it.
Anyway, very interesting days. Stay tuned for more news about child sacrifices. :pepe_newspaper: