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- Embed this notice@redneonglow @tinfoil-hat That is a fake image - I remember seeing it before, but it seems someone has faked it again in a higher resolution.
As pictured is indeed one of the late stage goals of Pluton once they've got the "remote attestation" part working, that is, to even connect to say a website, your computer needs to attest cryptographically that it's running an unmodified version of proprietary malware that serves microsoft instead of the user (we can't have the user modifying the software to partially serve them instead can we?).
After all - the best way to ensure GNU isn't installed is for bing-bing wahoos, TV shows, banking and even governmental websites to be cryptographically inaccessible unless you're running specific proprietary OS's (for "security").
Such pictured functionality wouldn't require something like Pluton to implement (after all, checking file hashes and keeping a huge database as to who is "authorized" to store which files was possible on standard computing hardware more than a decade ago), but something like Pluton will be required to stop people from bypassing or disabling the file scanner.
I figure that it'll take at least 10 years before microsoft works out how to get the false positive rate low enough to implement such antifeature, but first they'll implement and shill "remote attestation" and "cloud storage" heavily up to the point that most suckers don't even realize when the downgrade is pushed.