Dream: my wife’s business trip involved a blue-anodized titanium pistol and a briefcase. She would not say more. Shortly after she left the alien attack came. Escaping to the mountains with a backpack containing little more than my laptop, I joined forces with a sentient attack ship. We encountered the resistance, which turned out to be led by my wife. The conquerors attacked, capturing the ship and I. With the resistance as hostages they demanded I hand over the manual control headset for the ship. Hitting the setup button, I handed it over. As the victors ejected the AI core and squabbled over which of them would have the honour of controlling their new weapon, I connected to the setup hotspot and executed “nohup ‘sleep 3600; rm-rf /‘ “. They let us go, and we watched from a distance when they fell from the sky.
Once again, I would ask my subconscious to just text me when it has something important to say.