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<blockquote style="position: relative; padding-left: 55px;"><section><a href="https://wandering.shop/users/susankayequinn/statuses/112587926633375598">Susan Kaye Quinn 🌱(she/her) (susankayequinn@wandering.shop)'s status on Monday, 10-Jun-2024 04:21:05 JST</a><a href="https://wandering.shop/@susankayequinn" title="susankayequinn@wandering.shop"><img src="https://gnusocial.jp/avatar/98834-48-20241107221953.webp" width="48" height="48" alt="Susan Kaye Quinn 🌱(she/her)" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">Susan Kaye Quinn 🌱(she/her)</a></section><article><p>Help. Build bonds. Accept help. Repeat. Unlock resilience.</p></article><footer><a rel="bookmark" href="https://gnusocial.jp/conversation/3216697#notice-6352669">In conversation</a><time datetime="2024-06-10T04:21:05+09:00" title="Monday, 10-Jun-2024 04:21:05 JST">about 6 months ago</time> <span>from <span><a href="https://wandering.shop/@susankayequinn/112587926633375598" rel="external" title="Sent from wandering.shop via ActivityPub">wandering.shop</a></span></span><a href="https://wandering.shop/@susankayequinn/112587926633375598">permalink</a><h4>Attachments</h4><ol><li><label><a rel="external" href="https://gnusocial.jp/attachment/2760279">A series of memes reblogged plus commentary. MEME 1: gallusrostromegalus hopepunk-humanity rederiswrites Me: *at IKEA struggling to load several large heavy boxes in my van* Fellow shopper: "Do you need a hand?" Me: “No thank you I think I can manage it Fellow shopper: "Oh, I didn't doubt you could manage it. I just thought if you had help it would be easier."Me: "oh yes. It would be easeer. Thank you sl much" *humble accepts help and internalises this deep, unexpected philosophical lesson* lovely story from friend today.MEME2: dicacopolis IKEA instructions Left image with X through it: person alone with pile of boards Right image: person with pile of boards and a friend to helpMEME3: rederiswrites Look, this post has been wildly more popular than I thought it deserved, apparently at least in part because "dont burden others; be independent" is far more ingrained in people than | realized. So here's the thing: society works when people help each other. Helping others gives people a chance to know each other, and gives them an investment in the people they help. Helping creates bonds. People enjoy helping, and you are doing a good by letting them help you it they so wish Offer help; accept help. You will be a part of creating a helping culture. Which, incidentally, weakens capitalism and the fractionation between people that benefits those who would use us.</a></label><br><a href="https://stockroom.wandering.shop/media_attachments/files/112/587/905/494/800/452/original/0056d9b9329f9ee2.jpg" rel="external">https://stockroom.wandering.shop/media_attachments/files/112/587/905/494/800/452/original/0056d9b9329f9ee2.jpg</a></li></ol></footer></blockquote>
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Susan Kaye Quinn 🌱(she/her) (susankayequinn@wandering.shop)'s status on Monday, 10-Jun-2024 04:21:05 JST
Susan Kaye Quinn 🌱(she/her)
Help. Build bonds. Accept help. Repeat. Unlock resilience.