@Type_Other @Dicer
I had to get out of bed, to respond correctly -_-
> Being social or capable of showing kindness to humans
I am not talking about either of these conditions though. I am talking about a life-saving aliance, where animals of each specias agree to protect each other across ages.
Cats and dogs do run to wake you up in case of a house fire. Pigs won't.
> The nudity example is good because people will try and come up with reasons after the fact, like hygiene or something
Sexual assaults. Clothing gives quite a clear line, that the person isn't 100% deranged. Come on man, just give that argument up. I gave you a steelman for a fucking reason.
> Like with incest people point to higher risk of birth defects
We are literally talking about an evolutionary strategy here. A heuristic, that eliminates the problem, while costing you "you'll have to fap instead of fucking an """infertile person"""" is a really good one, when you look at the cost and benefits. Also, we didn't evolve to trust some modern medical standarts.
Also also, my grandmother was declared infertile, after they cut half of her woumb.
Guess what? 3 kids later, she seems quite fertile to me.