As far as I remember, “fediverse” was actively used in identica groups. But, unfortunately, after a thorough search of for instances around that time, none were archived. The only ones archived were the Twitter ones, users who crossposted to Twitter.
Some of those Twitter posts with “fediverse”, came from Laconica/StatusNet instances. Some of them were very familiar. It started as “identiverse” before it turned into “fediverse”. I remember there was a discussion about it. Someone raised how “identiverse” no longer fits as there are other instances besides identica already (not to mention, other software, and identica is attached to Laconica/StatusNet).
So, yeah, sadly, that's history that can no longer be “verified”. I don't even trust what I remember, LOL. It was a time when everyone was just cool about it, agrees easily, and then poof, it's done. It didn't register well in our memories.