Y'know. I hate venting online. Like... I don't want to be fishing for sympathy, and I don't want people to just go "Oh, it's that Negative Nelly over there. Remember when she used to talk about games? I think I'm gonna unfollow"
I just need a space that I can vent, that I feel like I can just be secure in going off for like a day with all of the shit that's bothering me. I don't need pats on the back, or "there there"s. I just need a place that there's at least the chance of people hearing me, without also being a place where people want to hear other things.
I dunno. Maybe I've been burned too many times by people who loved what I've said, until I had a bad day, and then because THEY can't even take a moment of discomfort, label me as some kind of negative whiny complainer.
Like... fuck! I have emotions. We all have emotions. Why is there this weird discomfort/taboo about experiencing negative emotions in public?
No wonder people feel so fucking alone.
(I'm all over in this toot. Obviously not collected, and my point it scattered. Take from it what you will, or whatever. Thanks for witnessing the fact that I shouted something into the void.)