"These pictures will be in history books someday!"
I'm tired of this fucking attitude because no they won't! Not unless we literally completely overthrow those in power over what we're educated about!
Why do folks think that so many people are JUST learning what Kent State even was this week? Why folks never learn the more radical teachings of Martin Luther King Jr.?
Seriously, even when this hopefully all ends and finally Israel is forced to stop this horrific slaughter, THE FIGHT IS NOT OVER.
Too many people out there are saying things like "the kids are alright" or even worse "the kids will save us" and it's sickening to hear. We cannot stop pushing once people get to feel mildly comfortable again. These students need to not be making these massive sacrifices for nothing.
We HAVE to finally fortify and fucking win for once because otherwise we've allowed the use of police to brutalize any citizen peacefully protesting against a fucking GENOCIDE to become normalized.