Your vote has the impact of 1 vote. Use it wisely so we don’t end up with the worst possible president.
Exactly, and since that one vote has the same effect on the outcome no matter how popular your candidate is you should always use it to vote against evil like Senile Genocide Joe or single digit IQ Racist Trump.
You keep assuming voting for an evil popular candidate is somehow a better use of that 1 vote and completely fail to make that point in anyway.
The day after that, help the Green party win an election higher than small town mayor and begin building it into a viable alternative, and push for IRV in your state elections.
Thats not how FPTP vote works. When third partys take over the transition is always abrupt and during a single election. So the dynamic you describe is ignorant of the mechanics. There is no two party system but there is an illusion of one caused by this effect.
All of that is better than popping up every 4 years smugly complaining about the presidential election candidates from your place of privilege.
While IRV would be an improvement it isnt needed as third parties are completely possible and common under FPTP voting.