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<blockquote style="position: relative; padding-left: 55px;"><section><a href="https://masto.ai/users/stavvers/statuses/112292093960568958">Another Angry Woman (stavvers@masto.ai)'s status on Sunday, 21-Apr-2024 04:43:24 JST</a><a href="https://masto.ai/@stavvers" title="stavvers@masto.ai"><img src="https://gnusocial.jp/avatar/41495-48-20221127202416.webp" width="48" height="48" alt="Another Angry Woman" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">Another Angry Woman</a><div><a href="https://masto.ai/@stavvers/112237432518724699" rel="in-reply-to">in reply to</a></div></section><article><p>ikea</p></article><footer><a rel="bookmark" href="https://gnusocial.jp/conversation/2676979#notice-5900301">In conversation</a><time datetime="2024-04-21T04:43:24+09:00" title="Sunday, 21-Apr-2024 04:43:24 JST">about 11 months ago</time> <span>from <span><a href="https://masto.ai/@stavvers/112292093960568958" rel="external" title="Sent from masto.ai via ActivityPub">masto.ai</a></span></span><a href="https://masto.ai/@stavvers/112292093960568958">permalink</a><h4>Attachments</h4><ol><li><label><a rel="external" href="https://gnusocial.jp/attachment/2526135">hjartasalt: Typed "IKEA" into google maps and for some reason it decided to show me pretty much every single IKEA location in the nordic countries combined instead of just the one closest to me and ngl I'm kinda obsessed with this review in Sweden“Needless to explain or comment about IKEA." hjartasalt: Another great one IKEA Aalborg "It is an IKEA like all other: elenille: The first Polish language dictionary published in 1746 included definitions such as: "Horse: Everyone knows what a horse is." Archeologists in 3047 stomping their feet and ripping their hair out over the ruins of an apparent furniture maze</a></label><br><a href="https://s3.masto.ai/media_attachments/files/112/292/073/852/693/825/original/65dc79dcea3479f2.png" rel="external">https://s3.masto.ai/media_attachments/files/112/292/073/852/693/825/original/65dc79dcea3479f2.png</a></li><li><label><a rel="external" href="https://gnusocial.jp/attachment/2526136">n crochetingwhale Follow For real, though, not all IKEAs are the same. Most of them you wander into, follow the arrows, wander out, discover you have spent several thousands on unpronounceable things you didn't really need (normal furniture maze). Then there i the Kungens Kurva IKEA.The Kungens Kurva IKEA is to a standard IKEA what Daedalus’s Labyrinth is to an ankle-high garden hedge. The first trial is finding the damn thing. Most attempts to drive there result in very pleasant views of the back and side as you carry on down the motorway following signs that never seem to actually lead to the building itself. Once you finally succeed in determining which of the road signs tell you the truth and which ones lie (hint: it's all of them) you are welcomed by what appears to be a normal IKEA. You think the warning you got about the labyrinthine nature of your friends’ IKEA outing was about the journey there. After all, there is a reason both employees and customers choose to use the IKEA provided shuttle service to enter (and presumably eventually leave) the establishment. The roads outside are a Gordian knot of roundabouts and off ramps that lead only to other roundabouts.It's like the being who designed the store layout looked upon their first draft and said ‘if only the marvellously simple and easy-to-master game five-dimensional chess could be distilled into an approximation of a department store.The hotdogs are pretty good though.Four stars.</a></label><br><a href="https://s3.masto.ai/media_attachments/files/112/292/081/017/181/910/original/7cd5d90221d3b970.png" rel="external">https://s3.masto.ai/media_attachments/files/112/292/081/017/181/910/original/7cd5d90221d3b970.png</a></li></ol></footer></blockquote>
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Another Angry Woman (stavvers@masto.ai)'s status on Sunday, 21-Apr-2024 04:43:24 JST
Another Angry Woman
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