To help scholars, teachers, and graduate students with an interest in Asia find each other on Mastodon, consider adding yourself to this list, which will be available on the open web.
Feel free to make your submission in any language you wish, reflecting the language you are most likely posting in.
The definition of 'Asia' here will roughly follow the scope of the Journal of Asian Studies: "With coverage reaching from South and Southeast Asia to China, Inner Asia, and Northeast Asia" but welcomes submissions from people with a relevant cross-regional focus.
Contact (Konrad Lawson) on Mastodon if you have questions, want to correct errors, or delete your entry.
Note: The first 50 or so members of this list were transferred over from the #histodons list. Only those historians with a focus that included Asia who answered "Yes" to the question "If another list of Mastodon accounts is created that overlaps with the interests and focus of your submission" were added here. Please do get in touch if you were transferred over but do not wish to be listed here and you will be removed from this list.
Link to the Spreadsheet with the Publicly Visible List
Link to this Google Form