@RedpillBot The 1922 date of this observation by Henry Ford is fascinating. What he's saying holds true for the US afterwords, although of course the horror at Bolshevism was fresh, their having gotten going in 1917.
If you read Kevin MacDonald's The Culture of Critique, the first really major, even more than Freud intellectual victory, here in higher education and the field of anthropology, was by Franz Boas in his blank slate fraud by the end of the 1920s.
Wikipedia also says he "introduced the idea of cultural relativism" starting in 1887, obviously he'd been working hard prior to the 1920s to achieve his successes. Got a physics Ph.D. in Germany in 1881, that would have earned him a great deal of undeserved credibility. Moved to geography, that lead to anthropology per se, and he moved to the US in 1887 where he took an offer to become an assistant editor of Science which at some point became the world's second most prestigious journal after Nature in the U.K.
Heh, and isn't this perfectly Jewish, "With a family underway and under financial stress, Boas also resorted to pilfering bones and skulls from native burial sites to sell to museums."
Became a docent (instructor) in anthropology at a US university in 1888. So around four decades to victory.... On another vector in the US ruling class, fellow progressive Wilson succeeded in getting (((Louis Brandeis))) onto the Supreme Court in 1916. Also progressive but Republican Hoover puts another on it in 1932, and both became members of a "Three Musketeers" faction that supported the New Deal, which was really a new constitutional order.
And another , "propaganda of the deed," fancy words for terrorist violence, became a thing in the US by 1882, killed President McKinley in 1901, and gets serious by 1914 with a Jewish flavor. The First Red "Scare" becomes a thing 1918-20, and not mentioned in the high level "Notable Actions" is a very close call for US Attorney General Palmer in 1919, the second of two attempts to assassinate him with bombs.
Renegade Jew Ron Unz made it trivial to read the book due to it being banned by Amazon, along with the also banned middle of the trilogy, and the first is also online: https://www.unz.com/book/author/kevin_macdonald/