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- Embed this noticeSince I am posting about the spinning fish.
1) It appeared before the lake O Discharge.
2) The extensive bleaching and heat last summer did not cause this. I have documentation before that crisis. That is just another problem.
3) The thesis that heat will disrupt it you may or may not see from some experts? That is not likely, I recorded 36.1c last year and that was not enough to take it out. The known science says its stops growing at 35.1 that is all.
4) The spinning fish is not related to pharmaceuticals or chemicals of any form. This can be evidenced by the studies on this and we have never seen this behavior before.
So to recap, the issue we are seeing here is a first on the planet. The parasite affecting the fish in freshwater is different with the salmon and trout. That causes spinal deformities we we are not seeing here. The fish appear perfectly healthy and no damage. That is what is odd too. The spinning and out of control ramming into things like the bottom causes damage on them nothing more.
The idea that it was successful recruitment year may be a thing however it has been with us for over a year now. Unless it goes away in short order forever then its likely here. Gambierdiscus is known to colonize denuded coral and be in symbiosis with many bacteria that have yet to be shown. That bacteria is not harmful as far as I know it just fuels it.
This is all crazy shit that no one has answers to of course. The only data shows that gambierdiscus is elevated so that is the line of thinking. However it has not been proven in a lab yet. That is the largest issue that must be overcome at this point is to do the following.
1) grow it in a lab in the same conditions.
2) get the fish to spin of the species impacted.
3) stay in ethical boundaries of science.
#3 is the hardest one too given the experiments they have done with fish in the past causing this kind of trauma is a very ethical line. So it can get very dicey if they are breaking rules in that itself. Consider these things and it gets very very hard to solve to deliberately harm fish.