I see the liberals are trying to catch nazis in logical fallacies again as some way to triumph over them. Unfortunately, while it might feel good to go "ha! they can't even define what woke actually means!" the thing is that it doesn't matter to them
The right doesn't care if it lacks definitions or if it's hypocritical or even contradictory. "Woke" is just their dog whistle for "people we want to exterminate" that they can say without being perceived as "not being rude", something the liberal establishment seems to care more about than the underlying sentiment
Saying "you can't even define woke" is about as effective as saying "the president is not named Brandon". It doesn't matter. The important thing is that "let's go Brandon" gives them social cover that "fuck the president" doesn't
Stop asking nazis to define woke and start telling them that you know they want to commit genocide and you'll fight them
Your insipid word games aren't going to beat fascism