A warm welcome to anyone stumbling upon the Fediverse for the first time, or who finally broke down and set up an account. :)
Trust me, the Fediverse is not perfect. It has its moments of heated and sometimes hurtful discourse, and it often rewards simplistic takes that lack crucial nuance, but that's less a product of the protocol and more a "human thing".
Like any place, you learn to make the most of it. You build connections with people who share your passions and beliefs, you foster the healthy relationships and discard the unhealthy ones, and eventually you come to feel more at home.
The principles of the Fediverse, of independence from corporate influence and algorithmic cruelty, of an open platform where we can see each other even from different little sandboxes, are something I still believe strongly in.
I hope you find people who value and care about you here. :)