you’re mischaracterizing capitalism as something that doesn’t have inherent flaws.
No I wouldnt say so. I am not claiming its flawed or not. Capitalism itself is one ideology, as with all ideologies it does not and can not exist in a bubble. There is no such thing as a “pure capitalism” because a capitalism is one among many principles that must be combined to form a government.
Flaws arise in how one combines the various principles available to them to form a system of government than incorporates those principles.
As I have mentioned many times I continually assert the adjective “healthy capitalism” to distinguish it from unhealthy capitalism, which can certainly exist as well (and have plenty of flaws). What makes a capitalism healthy or not comes from the nuance in how one combines principles along side it.
The very fact you keep talking about “healthy capitalism” belies that you know you’re talking about a fantasy where all of the problems with capitalism are magically solved.
Quite the opposite, if I thought capitalism was perfect as a pure ideology without the need for any other principles or nuance then I would not need the adjective “healthy”. The fact that I am using that adjective is exactly the evidence that it isnt a fantasy and that I am well aware that unhealthy capitalism can also exist.
I’m not interested in a system that’s only good if everyone does it right.
Since capitalism is not a “system” it is a pure ideology, and a system only comes about when you combine principles and nuance to create an overall mechanation this statement is nonsensical to the context.
The world has been brought to the brink of destruction under capitalism
The world has been brought to the brink of destruction under quite many principles in play, many of which have had unhealthy manifestations. This includes communistic countries (which also are equally nuanced).
it doesn’t matter what it’s like healthy when it’s so easily sickened.
Agreed, which is why the overall system selected must be one that is not easily sickened.