"if they understood the difference between authoritarian and libertarian interpretations of communism."
It would be helpful if people criticising communism knew what it is at all.
I don't accept that there can be "authoritarian communism". It is an oxymoron. It is like pregnancy. You either are or you aren't.
Either you have a stateless, money-less, classless society where the means of production is equally owned by all or you don't have communism *at all*.
The soviet union was economically state capitalist with a despotic authoritarian government and I'm not willing to give any of the bolshi scum the benefit of the doubt.
They didn't try to achieve communism the 'wrong way'. They had no intention of achieving communism, especially Stalin. It was all about seizing and holding power.
I'd go so far as to say they were fascist. We both know what the bastards did to people who were educated, socialist, communist and anarchist.
The only political leaders who are kept awake at night by fear of the educated are fascists.
Power does not corrupt.
The corrupt seeks power and they are very motivated in their pursuit of it.
Of course I could just be pulling shit out of my arse.