@libramoon Sure, in this scenario you had that conversation and they are the perfect family in every way as far as all investigations go.
Should the abortion be stopping. You can say no, it just means your moral rules we established are incomplete. Thats fine, we can always endeavor to complete them.
For the record so far your logic is in line with all my own reasoning on the subject, and in turn found similar paradoxes, things that logically meant i was missing something, and/or wrong... So me pressing you for your logic is not meant to say your wrong, Im only curious how you get over this ethical hurdle and if, whatever that is, might give me some insight on how to further refine my own POV.
You also can disengage anytime you want, you dont have to answer. I am just making clear why i am drilling you like this, as I want to make it clear it is not to convince you you are wrong, but rather, to elucidate your reasoning for my own consideration.