we have a newly forming creature growing within the body of a more mature creature of its kind. When that relationship is desired by the mother, it is wonderful and fulfilling. When that relationship is not desired, it is horrendous, nightmarish. Then, of course, there are the situations when the pregnancy is actually dangerous to the health of the mother, or to the health and well-being of her other children, or. …
I dont disagree with any of those statements. But it also is not an answer to my question, perhaps that is my fault as I may not be asking my question clearly enough, and thus remain confused by your stance. I will retry to ask again.
Without invoking any statements about the specific case of abortion, in other words, without talking about whombs, mothers, or fetuses (that includes descriptive references), would you mind explaining to me when it is right to kill some entity with human dna. Whether that be a clump of cancer, a fetus, or your best friend, what are the general case where killing a living human entity/thing is acceptable and morally ok.
Obviously you dont have to cover every possible case, just the rules that, while not referencing abortion, would be relevant in us to reason about abortion would be welcome.
I think some of your earlier statements could have been examples of this, but you seemed to backtrack (thats not a jab, backtracking is ok, it means we are exploring the ideas and refining them)… like you said one entity physically dependent on another, that would be a fine rule, would even cover cancer… but I think you realized quickly it could also be problematic. Ok so we changed our response slightly, but that didnt work either, again ok. So whats the real answer? One that doesnt just create a circular argument by pointing out its a fetus. We need the general case moral rules we are working under, or at least, I do if im going to get on board.