Expired: class reductionism.
Tired: Combating class reductionism by embracing the economic mobility and prestige of marginalized members of an identity, basically adopting "girlboss feminism" with extra steps for marginalized communities.
Wired: Understanding that working class as a whole is a pillar of identity that is necessary to uplift and improve the material conditions through means that embrace an intersectional framework.
Inspired: Understanding that class stratification can create antagonisms within marginalized groups that hinder its progress, and that your liberation can only come through uplifting and empowering members of your class with lesser wealth, power, and prestige; and that your job as a more prestigious member of said identity class is to best represent the interests of the more common and pervasive members of your identity class (that is, the working class members), and showing up for them in ways that advance their material interest at the intersection of their combined marginalization.