and within two years, we're running this under the radar, secret after-after party venue behind a poorly constructed bookcase of a speakeasy disguised as a fake speakeasy just down the road of where i live now. 3 nights a week, 9pm to 9am-ish.
A venue GQ UK listed in the top 10 best party venues in London stating "we cant tell you where it is or what goes on there."
And all through it theres still this whole ecosphere of the fairies are in charge down in this basement bar. If you're okay with that then you can play, so it becomes self selecting as this horde of on the verge of queer people and the people who want to date them builds up.
And it runs perfectly as this little festival in london oasis for a cupful of years before we're raided by armed police at 4.01am, certain we're a drug den having surveilled us for months.