We decamp to another after party, its now sunday morning, all three of us an agreed trio. Three times a week we're on stage in dresses waving toilet paper making this giant happening occur and as we become this chaotic fixture it means we end up backing dancers for all these larger named DJs like Basement Jaxx coming in for solo gigs without any stage presence and when we would finish this new duo breaking out The Correspondents would take over.
And this energy of fairies, not quite the bordered off on-stage off-stage world of drag, something else, it pulls in other performers who have this queerness inside they're wrestling with. The magnetism and openness builds a group who see a space to express themselves.
We're working festivals, clowning, we're taken on tour by a british indie-electro band, were on dutch tv as the band joking call themselves our backing band, we're closing the east coast dance tent stage on the saturday night at glastonbury still doing this electro morris dancing routine only we're NOT because Mark, off his face on the way to the stage, has given our stack of 48 rolls of toilet paper to a pretty girl who said she'd run out. So im just in a dress in front of thousands of people dancing for an hour and a half until its all shut down.