I dutifully return the dress as i change back as evening rolls around time comes to head back to run the show again. No damage, eyes beaming but quietly hoping she'd let me keep this treasure.
It doesnt happen of course, you cant just take another girls prized dress like that, so i just make a promise that im going to reach for this level myself.
We decamp back to the show in taxis about 8 of us all higgledy-piggledy, we perform, we finish our work and again as we're changing out of costume into these dresses, rushing against the DJ before he can get round to playing the same LCD Soundsystem song, the 'guy' in my dress says to me, hey wheres that guy who got in the taxi with us to Semicolons? Mark? you sat on his lap for an hour. He was great, we should get him.
We run downstairs to find Mark to bring him into our predecided trio of shambly fairies only to find a scene of utter chaos.
Mark is already running around the audience passing out long strips of toilet paper to everyone. "We're going to do morris dancing!" he says eyes ablaze.
Of course we are. 75 audience members suddenly on stage all waving 150 long strips of toilet paper in hand to the music while another 200 audience do it back to us.