My cloud migration that I meant to start in Jan to pull my cloud assets from four clouds to none should complete Friday.
And it's only taken this long as the last provider's end of life / end of contract data repudiation request I put in on the 9th January meant that if I followed THEIR method of pulling the data it would have been £1800 in bandwidth by using their data tool.
Doing it by way of 187 10Gb tarballs of objects, code and project items instead is taking....
10Gb an hour.... Throttled but with no additional cost to me.
They wanted me to pull the entire lot as one.... zip file. A zip file... I've never had to open a 2tb zip file before. Not sure you can ?
That isn't good Cloud.
Which is good as my annual contract expires with them 22nd March and now I know how hard certain Cloud providers work to STOP you leaving means I will never recommend them to anyone.
Which given who I talk to is a bad deal.