It is 100% true. I will not argue it with you, because it would be retarded to do so. People far smarter than me have proven it over and over and over again.
Thats fine, then dont waste my time making stupid arguments you have no desire to discuss. My posts are not your soap box, they are for conversations not you to lecture people and then be too lazy to even discuss your wildlly fringe stance.
Read an economics textbook and apply some basic reasoning skills to reality.
Saying “read a text book” rather than actually being able to explain your own ideas is lazy, and quite frankly makes you look like a troll who adds no value to the conversation.Act like a mature adult or you can GTFO, we dont need your toxic shit here.
There is no such thing as “capitalism with caveats”. There is no such thing as “a government with social spending that never collapses”. History proves me right too, by the way.
Saying more dumbass shit that isnt true isnt getting you anywhere.
Also Laissez-faire capitalism. Might as well look that up too since you don’t even seem to know that much.
I already have posts in my feed about this very topic and where I fall on the issue. Nice try with doubling down ont he toddler-level insults though, you can GTFO of here with that shit, the adults are talking.