@LouisIngenthron Oh to answer your last question…
such definitions describe concepts that would seem to be universally constant, that are independently and repeatably verifiable regardless of perspective. If we don’t call those “facts”, what do we call them?
Such a thing doesnt exist. Perspective will change what is true. A person tripping on acid or said to be hallucinating from their perspective they will see a very different reality and from their perspection they think their “facts” are objectively and repeatably true and you look like the crazy person (usually).
So you are really asking “What if something I and most people I talk to all agree we get the same results almost every time we do the experiment”… we would call that “An opinion of fact that we have high confidence in”… for the sake of linguistic simplicity we simply call that a “fact” but we must be aware that what we are always saying when we say fact is just an opinion you hold in high confidence.