clearly showing off my classics nerd past here.
I love reading the different parses of greek and latin texts through the years. Theres so many moments where a straight writer will push text one way and then a gay translator will shake their head and say erm excuse me.
The focus on the end of Catullus 63 where its like oh no what a terrible fate has befallen Attis, no one has come to save him on the shore line as he laments his mistake of running wild and free and being a woman, he is a fake woman only.
And its like excuse me, what do you think Cybele sending her lions is about? Why is that not considered an act of one of the most powerful Goddesses to do exactly that? Attis's doubt disappears and she returns to her acceptance of the wild and her womanhood with the gallae.
Like this isnt some esoterical pondering of an imagined concept by Cattulus as it is for the translators, these same wild Gallae literally danced in wild ecstasy through the streets outside his window on many occasion through the year.