I think it makes toyally sense to use such open anarchism concept.
There's a lot of stuff going on that has anarchist elements, but not the label. People helping out each other, questioning authority, rejecting power and organizing for their interest in non-hierarchical groups.
Additionally :anarchism: narchism is also a very western-bound concept. There are many different ways to live these core values, exemplified by antiauthoritarian movements all over the world and human history.
It's what we do and live, much more than what we claim as our label to be. Sometimes it makes sense to show the banner, as it might make it easier for interested people to know where to look for more info. Or sometimes I identify myself as anarchist in the hope that somebody thinks "ah, such nice people are anarchists?". But as you day, there's no need to put a label on the granny that cooks at the food not bombs if she could feel uncomfortable when her neighbours ask her why she's with the anarchists now...
I have to admit that I happen to find myself trying to spread the word and make people see what wonderful ideas are and were out there (I was today in a very cool exposition about anarchism before and during the spanish civil war and am still impressed how progressive these people were (culture, education, basic income, commons, women's rights). Nearly 100 years ago. And many ideas are still in the collective mind and comvert into actions.