That's fantastic!
Something people don't talk about. I'm old GenX (born in 1967), and part of our social development was, we learned to identify a person's biological gender from subtle clues, because if you called someone by the pronouns that didn't fit their biological gender, it was likely to be taken as an insult. So if someone's clothing and other presentation factors were ambiguous, you still looked for the subtler signs to get the gender right.
These days, the rule is backwards: you do your best to identify gender based on presentation, and you toss all the biological clues out the window. That's ... a little challenging for us old farts, to throw our brains into reverse so to speak. I'm not saying we shouldn't make every effort to do it; it is respectful and just basic human decency. But, it is backwards from all the rules we worked very hard to get good at.