I'm surprised at how big the reaction to the #AfD/Identitäre meetup is getting. I wonder if civil society wasn't really taking it seriously what has been obvious to us linksradikale from the start, that the AfD is nazis. Not "conservative", not "economic concerned citizens", not "EU sceptics". nazis.
I think there's something like a "reverse Stormfront" effect. The character in "The Boys", a celebrity who's a stealth nazi, has a quote that went viral online:
> "People love what I have to say! They believe in it! They just don't like the word 'Nazi.' That's all."
but in real life what I'm seeing is the exact opposite. antifa recherchers point out, this guy has friends in C18, in Legio Hungaria, has an SS tattoo, puts up 1488 stickers, quotes Mein Kampf--and nobody cares. People think either we're overly sensitive, or the nazis are "just larping edgelords", or it's "free speech best left platformed" (and, if you're the #Substack owners, give the nazis money too).
I guess it took a leak of a plan to ethnically cleanse Germany for most to realise that when we call them "nazis" we mean *nazis*. People don't mind the word "nazi" anymore. I think we should be more concrete in counterpropaganda.
I'm glad there's a reaction but keep in mind--the Pussy March was big too. #eleNão was big too.