@markstos @molly0xfff @markstos
I've now got a working self-hosted site at https://daily.jimcarroll.com ... managed to get my Substack import working fine. The biggest issue was tuning the server size to accept the import of my file - 897MB.
I'm struggling with the mailgun config though; I'm not familiar with JSON and have tried to run this through a few JSON validators without luck.
@molly0xfff - thanks for your pointer to Ghost - was never really aware of it and I will build out on it now. To build mine - I'm a huge fan of Runcloud.io for server builds - and they had this handy document that made the process all quite straightforward.
The nice thing is it configs my server with fail2ban and other hardening, as well as pretty seamless GUI to the rest of the server config.
If anyone can offer up thoughts on my JSON formatting here it would be helpful. This version crashes. (I'm using the basic one for now)