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Long-term thoughts over the years that still stick around / purify...
█ When you have time, you can literally *solve anything*. See link
█ It's not because good ideas were not good enough that they didn't get implemented....
WAR / destructive mentality people have even in normal people
█ How to make sure a hammer is used for good and not bad?
Kind of the 'Holy Grail' question when going to make anything.
Answers on a postcard!
█ Please 'look around' (toots and media) and if you don't mind start talking about what you like / want. Make the time and all came be solved literally now (as I have time now).
▀■ I can audio ping pong if interested as it beats text sometimes (sending audio file attachment via Mastodon / Fediverse or via Delta Chat encrypted... so we increase relativity and increment towards more friendliness in the world! :¬| ---- (-:
▀■ see @delta for no hassle encrypted email and 1 touch fast voicemails over simple universal email ! (even Gmail is ok now!)