(IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating-point, to be (doubly) precise.)
I am the buyer, aka Steven He’s father. I am played by Steven He. I wear a dark grey jacket over a red t-shirt.
And I am the seller, a purveyor of questionable goods. I am played by Stiffen E, a cheap, low-quality Steven He substitute. Made in China, of course. I wear a puffy yellow-and-purple jacket.
(Translator’s note: wait, wasn’t the original Steven He made in China?)
Do you have $1/3$ ?
We have $0.5555555555555 (base 16)$ .
You mean $0.5555555555555\ldots (base 16)$ ?
Yes, $0.5555555555555 (base 16)$ .
(TL: note the conspicuous absence of continuations dots)
You have $0.3$ ?
We have $0.4CCCCCCCCCCC (base 16)$ .
Do you have any primes?
We have over a trillion primes!
And multiplicative inverses of primes?
Slightly less, but yeah, we have them.
How much, exactly, is “slightly” less?
Just one.
You have $\sqrt{2}$ ?
We have $1.6A09E667F3BCD (base 16)$ .
Okay, do you have the square of whatever that is?
We have $2.0000000000002 (base 16)$ .
You have sixth roots of unity?
We have $1$ and $-1$.
The hell? Where are the other four?
You have $\pi$ ?
We have crumbs.
You have Euler’s number?
We have Euler’s eyeball.
You have continued fractions?
We have compound fractures.
You have imaginary numbers?
We have things that aren’t numbers.