Trying an app for my old fashioned Windows 10 PC, as I wanted to see if that would work better than having several browsers open for all my Masto accounts. Finally found a (free) one for Windows, so lets see how it works... So far, it's looking good. It's called Whalebird. Anyone any experience with this or another app for Win 10? It's an oldie, from June 2015. I still love it though as I do most of my gaming through the Playstations. Gaming on PC got harder for me when my hands got worse. Plus the upgrades for PC's these days are too expensive for me to keep up with. But for Masto and blog writing, and things like Flickr and such, it's still perfectly good.
So anyone any experience with Whalebird or any other Win10 based Masto app? Drop me a nice Toot as a comment, thanks!!! :mastodance: